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Post Operation Patient Care Instructions

1) Do not eat anything or drink hot fluids until  the numbness has worn off to avoid injury from accidental biting or burning.                                          

2) No vigorous rinsing, drinking through a straw, or spitting for 3 days so the blood clot will not be disturbed.

3) Today, rest as much as possible with your head elevated.  No vigorous exercising for 3 days.

4) Slight bleeding is normal for several hours following surgery.  If persistent bleeding occurs place a wet teabag
on the involved area and apply direct pressure for 15-20 continuous minutes.  Repeat as necessary.

5) Do not pull back the lips or cheeks to look at the area as this can disturb the surgical site and increase

6) Do not eat by the surgical area for 1 week. Soft nutritious foods will be necessary for the first few days.
Avoid acidic and crunchy foods.  Drink plenty of fluids.

7) Do not use tobacco or drink alcohol as these will delay healing.

8) Swelling can be lessened by placing a cold compress on the face alternating on and off for 20 minutes during
the first 72 hours.

9) Take all medications the doctor has prescribed for you according to directions.

10) Starting 24 hours after surgery, gently rinse your mouth with ¼ teaspoon salt in 8 ounces of warm water three
times a day.

11) After the periodontal treatment, proper oral hygiene must be maintained in the surgical area to aid in healing.
After one week, carefully brush the teeth while avoiding the gums in the area of surgery.  The gums and lower
parts of the teeth should be cleaned with a dampened piece of cotton.  Gentle flossing can be resumed in 2-3
weeks.  Regular brushing can be resumed after 3 weeks.

12) After periodontal surgery, sensitivity of the teeth may occur.  This is remedied by maintaining proper oral
hygiene and by the use of specially formulated sensitive toothpaste, such as, Sensodyne.

13) If a periodontal pack has been placed in your mouth, do not remove it.  The pack should remain in place for
one week.  If the pack comes off before this time, it is not an emergency, but the doctor should be notified.

14) Return for your appointment to have the periodontal pack and any sutures removed.  If  the sutures loosen or
come out within 3 days, please inform the office.

15) If you have any questions, please feel free to call.


Make an Appointment

8 Shunpike Road, Suite 5
Madison, NJ 07940

Tel: (973)822-9323

Fax: (973)377-2468




Monday 8:30 am – 5:30 pm

Tuesday 8:00 am – 6:00 pm

Wednesday Closed

Thursday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Friday 7:30 am – 2:30 pm

Saturday Closed

Sunday Closed

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